Naval officer Felix von Luckner left Germany as Captain of the raider vessel Seeadler in December 1916.
Left: Felix von Luckner, 1930s
Canterbury Museum 19XX.2.536
Over the next 8 months, in an attempt to undermine confidence in Allied shipping routes, von Luckner and his crew scuttled 14 ships and took more than 300 prisoners. After running aground in French Polynesia, von Luckner with five of his men sailed 3,000 km to Fiji in late 1917.
There they were captured as prisoners of war. The men were taken to New Zealand and imprisoned at Motuihe Island in Auckland Harbour and Ripapa Island in Lyttelton Harbour. Von Luckner was involved in numerous escape attempts prior to his repatriation to Germany in 1919.
Canterbury Museum 2004.55.1
Von Luckner and his navigator, Lieutenant Carl Kircheiss, spent 109 days imprisoned in Fort Jervois on Ripapa Island in Lyttelton Harbour.
This meerschaum pipe, with a repair by Christchurch watchmaker and jeweller George White, likely relates to the time von Luckner spent imprisoned in Canterbury.
The word Seeadler and an image of an Iron Cross (a German military award) are scratched into the surface of the pipe.
Within months of the outbreak of the War, New Zealanders began to hear reports of alleged German atrocities. Patriotic feeling towards Britain quickly merged into anti-German sentiment. Citizens were encouraged to avoid purchasing German goods, German residents in New Zealand were imprisoned and anything with a German-sounding name was subject to change. Residents of German Bay, just outside Akaroa, decided in June 1915 to change the “hateful” name of their settlement. From that point, the name reverted to the original Māori name of Takamatua. A few months earlier, The Dresden Piano Company announced it would change its name to The Bristol Piano Company.
The Bristol Piano Company Ltd advertisement
Star, 23 January 1915
German internees, in military uniforms they made themselves, pose on Somes Island in Wellington Harbour. A small group of enemy aliens were also interned at Motuihe Island in Auckland Harbour.
Alexander Turnbull Library 1/2-112287-F
Under the Registration of Aliens Act 1917, naturalised New Zealanders and non-British subjects were required to register as aliens at their local police station.
More than 500 enemy subjects were interned in New Zealand during the War.
This online exhibition is representative of Canterbury and World War One: Lives Lost Lives Changed, a temporary exhibition which ran from 30 November 2017 to 11 November 2018 at Canterbury Museum.
Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial licence.
At the turn of the twentieth century, Canterbury was one of the most prosperous provinces in New Zealand
Britain’s declaration of war caused great excitement in Canterbury. Thousands enlisted in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
New Zealand soldiers and nurses endured the joys and sorrows of life at war and all had stories worth telling
Up to 18.4 million people were killed and 23.7 million injured in World War One
Everyone’s life was changed in some way by the War. Most New Zealanders knew someone who had died
Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice by adding a poppy to the Roll of Honour
This online exhibition is representative of Canterbury and World War One: Lives Lost Lives Changed, a temporary exhibition which ran from 30 November 2017 to 11 November 2018 at Canterbury Museum.
Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial licence.